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  • Weekly Bulletin: 5 February 2024 - 9 February 2024​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Published 08/02/24

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Bikeability

    Published 07/02/24

    Since returning from the Christmas holidays, Year 7 students have been participating in the Bikeability programme. The programme aims to provide pupils l with the skills and confidence necessary to ride a bike safely on the roads.

    So far, 176 out of approximately 260 Year 7 students have taken part in Bikeability. Regardless of their ability on a bike, all pupils have gained something from the course. Some were able to complete the Learn to Ride aspect, while others progressed to Level 1. The majority of pupils were able to complete Level 2, demonstrating their ability to ride safely on the roads.

    We hope to make this program an annual course for Year 7 pupils.

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  • Weekly Bulletin: 29 January 2024 - 2 February 2024​​​​​​​

    Published 02/02/24

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Supermarket Vouchers for February Half-term

    Published 01/02/24

    We are pleased to inform you that Birmingham City Council is offering a £20 supermarket voucher (per child) to help you purchase food for your family during the February half-term only.

    This initiative is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and is available through the Household Support Fund.

    You will receive a text message w/c 5 February 2024 containing a voucher link which you should redeem as soon as possible.

    The vouchers can be redeemed at the following grocery retailers:

    • Aldi
    • Asda
    • Farmfoods
    • Iceland
    • M&S
    • Morrisons
    • Sainsbury's
    • Tesco
    • Waitrose

    Should you require any help and support with your vouchers, please call 0800 505 3924 - the lines are open every day between 8am and 6pm.

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  • Weekly Bullentin: 22 January 2024 - 26 January 2024

    Published 25/01/24

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Weekly Bulletin: 15 January 2024 - 19 January 2024

    Published 17/01/24

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Weekly Bulletin: 8 January 2024 - 12 January 2024

    Published 11/01/24

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Weekly Bulletin: 18 December 2023 - 22 December 2023

    Published 21/12/23

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Weekly Bulletin: 11 December 2023 - 15 December 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 15/12/23

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Happy Christmas – Reminder from West Midlands Police

    Published 14/12/23
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  • Weekly Bulletin:4 December 2023 - 8 December 2023

    Published 08/12/23

    A weekly bulletin for parents/carers of Hodge Hill College is published every Friday with a curation of education news, important dates and advice:

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  • Important Measles/MMR Update from Birmingham Public Health

    Published 08/12/23

    Measles cases have been confirmed locally in Birmingham.  Measles outbreaks can happen when not enough children have been vaccinated.  

    Education settings are asked to pass the below information to parents and encourage them to check that their child has been vaccinated. Parents can check the personal child health record (the Red Book) or if this doesn’t help, speak to their GP surgery. Parents can contact their GP surgery to catch their child up, at any age, or indeed, for themselves.

    About measles

    Measles is highly infectious (it can spread easily from person to person). While most people recover completely within a couple of weeks, measles can cause serious illness and in rare cases it can be fatal. Vaccination with two doses of MMR is the only way to give people maximum protection. 

    The first signs of measles are:

    • high temperature
    • runny or blocked nose
    • sneezing
    • cough
    • red, sore, watery eyes
    • rash usually appears a few days after cold-like symptoms (sometimes starts around the ears before spreading to rest of the body)

    Measles can cause complications, especially in certain at-risk groups that include babies and small children, pregnant women and people with weak immunity.

    Further important information

    The MMR vaccine

    If your child has not received two doses of MMR vaccination as part of their childhood immunisation programme, you should take up the offer of the MMR vaccine for your child now. If you are not sure if your child needs an MMR vaccine, you can contact your GP to check.

    The MMR vaccination is the best way to protect against measles as it is:

    • effective
    • safe and
    • free of charge

    The vaccine provides effective protection against three diseases – measles, mumps and rubella. The first dose of MMR is given soon after the first birthday. A second dose is normally given before school entry. However, you can have the MMR vaccine at any age. If either you or your child are not fully protected against measles (two doses of MMR), you can contact your GP surgery to arrange vaccination. It is never too late to get vaccinated.  Two doses of MMR are required to produce satisfactory protection against measles, mumps and rubella. If your family avoids pork, a MMR vaccine is available that does not contain any pork products.

    This is especially important when measles is circulating because any child or adult who has not had at least one dose of MMR and comes into contact with a person with measles will have to be excluded from nursery, school or work for 21 days and stay at home.

    What to do if you think your child has measles

    If your child develops symptoms, you should contact your GP. You must contact the surgery by telephone before visiting and tell the reception staff that you think that your child may have measles and not attend the surgery unless you are asked to. The doctor will make special arrangements to see your child so that, if they have measles, they won’t pass it to others.

    People with measles will remain infectious, and so be able to pass on the disease to others for 4 days after the start of the rash. Therefore, it is important that anyone with measles stays away from nursery, school, group activities, gatherings or anywhere with people outside of the household during that time.

    Further information on the MMR vaccine can be found on the NHS website:

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