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The School Day

Good punctuality is an important part of self-discipline and is essential to good time management. The gates open at 08:30 and pupils should be in their form before 08:40. If they arrive after 08:40, your child will be registered with a late mark and will be given a late detention.

Activity Start Finish
Line Up/Movement Form 08:30 08:40
Form Time 08:40 09:10
Lesson One 09:10 10:10
Lesson Two including break 10:10 11:40
Lesson Three 11:40 12:40
Lesson Four including break 12:40 14:10
Lesson Five 14:10 15:10
Lesson Six 15:10 16:10
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Activity Start Finish
Line Up/Movement Form 08:30 08:40
Form Time 08:40 09:10
Lesson One 09:10 10:10
Lesson Two including break 10:10 11:40
Lesson Three 11:40 12:40
Lesson Four including break 12:40 14:10
Lesson Five 14:10 15:10
Activity Start Finish
Line Up/Movement Form 08:30 08:40
Form Time 08:40 09:10
Lesson One 09:10 10:10
Lesson Two  10:10 11:10
Lesson Three  including break 11:10 12:40
Lesson Four 12:40 13:40

This equates to 32 hours and 50 minutes a week.